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St. Patrick's Primary School Burrenreagh

Mind Your Mind

14th Oct 2024

Thursday 10th October 2024 marked World Mental Health Day. In P6/7 we began by asking the question: 'What is Mental Health?' As a class, we discussed that mental health means feeling and functioning well day to day.  We then watched a video which highlighted how we all have mental health and how important it is to check in with ourselves and others.  We then thought of some simple wellbeing activities which we could do to help raise awareness and promote positive mental health in our lives.  We took time out to engage in a 'Mindful Minute' in which we took a minute to sit quietly and focus on our breathing. We realised that something so simple as this can help to centre ourselves and set a positive tone for the day ahead.  We also tried some breathing exercises and we also participated in an activity called 'Strengths Spotting'.  This focused on our strengths and the positive things about ourselves.  Each one of us thought about three things we are good at, three things that we are proud of and three things that make us happy.  This exercise helped boost our self-esteem and confidence which are essential for mental health and wellbeing.  To finish off our day, we listened to some relaxing mindfulness music whilst completing an 'Unwind the Mind Mat' and a World Mental Health Day colouring-in poster.  A lovely day enjoyed by all.

Miss Clarke