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St. Patrick's Primary School Burrenreagh

The Burrenreagh Lockdown Chronicles.Our Life in Pictures.

18th May 2020

We have been in lockdown for over two months now. Our beautiful school remains closed, but we are so fortunate because we all just cannot wait to get back to Burrenreagh. In the meantime, we go on Google Classroom daily where our teachers set work, communicate with us and mark our work each day in real time. Lots of us are video  conferencing also where our teachers even have an interactive whiteboard and this gives us a chance to see our friends, talk to them and learn with them like old times. 

We have presented a collection of photos which chart our time in lockdown, learning online, playing sport and farming. We hope you enjoy them. If you can add some more photos to them, please e mail them to Thank you to everyone who supplied these amazing pictures. 

Shea is growing his own vegetables in Leitrim.
Shea is growing his own vegetables in Leitrim.
Sarah was going for a walk in her field with her family in Ballyward when her beautiful horse came to say hello.
Sarah was going for a walk in her field with her family in Ballyward when her beautiful horse came to say hello.
Here is Siobhan with her pet lamb Danny
Here is Siobhan with her pet lamb Danny
Caoimhe, Leah and Eoin are working so hard every day in Liatroim.
Caoimhe, Leah and Eoin are working so hard every day in Liatroim.
Aodhan with his pet lamb Rory
Aodhan with his pet lamb Rory
Keira is an amazing Irish Dancer. Here she is, waiting to begin her Zoom class with her school of Irish Dance.
Keira is an amazing Irish Dancer. Here she is, waiting to begin her Zoom class with her school of Irish Dance.
Isabella is such a happy pupil all the time. She loves her online learning. Just look at her beautiful dog!
Isabella is such a happy pupil all the time. She loves her online learning. Just look at her beautiful dog!
Anabelle just loves to look after her hens when she is not on Google Classroom or video conferencing with her class.
Anabelle just loves to look after her hens when she is not on Google Classroom or video conferencing with her class.
Leo with his dog
Leo with his dog
Aoife and Leo with their fairy tree
Aoife and Leo with their fairy tree
Aoife and Leo at Castlewellan Lake
Aoife and Leo at Castlewellan Lake
Leo celebrated his 6th birthday in lockdown
Leo celebrated his 6th birthday in lockdown
Eoin has been helping his Dad lay topsoil in the garden
Eoin has been helping his Dad lay topsoil in the garden
 The google classroom is working really well. The children can keep in touch with each other and he can talk to his teacher and ask questions if he is stuck. Today they had a conference call and Jake was so excited to see all his friends and his teacher.
The google classroom is working really well. The children can keep in touch with each other and he can talk to his teacher and ask questions if he is stuck. Today they had a conference call and Jake was so excited to see all his friends and his teacher.
Kara has been baking at home a lot. She baked her Nanny a birthday cake and we had a zoom video call with Nanny. We sang happy birthday and Kara blew the candle out for her Nanny to make a wish.
Kara has been baking at home a lot. She baked her Nanny a birthday cake and we had a zoom video call with Nanny. We sang happy birthday and Kara blew the candle out for her Nanny to make a wish.
 Kara has been very busy doing her school work and she loves all the tasks her teacher has sent. Kara has been enjoying learning to read. She loves books and loves to read us all stories at home.
Kara has been very busy doing her school work and she loves all the tasks her teacher has sent. Kara has been enjoying learning to read. She loves books and loves to read us all stories at home.
Aoife and Leo did not let the lockdown prevent them ahving a school sports day. Here they are having their own egg and spoon race!
Aoife and Leo did not let the lockdown prevent them ahving a school sports day. Here they are having their own egg and spoon race!
Charlise, Emerson and Fallyn have been making rainbow posters for their windows to show support for frontline staff.
Charlise, Emerson and Fallyn have been making rainbow posters for their windows to show support for frontline staff.
Erin practising her skills on the chicaine.
Erin practising her skills on the chicaine.
Sophie has been learning to grow plants during lockdown.
Sophie has been learning to grow plants during lockdown.
Fallyn's Home Study Time
Fallyn's Home Study Time